View Full Version : Flat 4 Fanatics Club

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  1. clewleyzvdubz - texted ya
  2. Flyering
  3. Club Camping / Display at Deva this year?!
  4. spotted in HINCKLEY yesterday
  5. bug wing wanted
  6. sad isn't it...
  7. club meet this wednesday
  8. repair panels wanted
  9. Daddy for the 4th time!!!!
  10. Lee
  11. mr clewleyzvdubz
  12. whens the next meet?
  13. stanford hall
  14. FAO samage
  15. new car !!!
  16. got the computer back again
  17. In search of the elusive Mr Hopster!!
  18. today of............
  19. club meet this weds
  20. Can anyone lend me a car with a tow bar?
  21. free front XR2 seats
  22. show your support for the BBMF
  23. pee'ed off
  24. anyone need any bits for their bug?
  25. mountain bike wanted
  26. Sorry
  27. Club meet?
  28. fao mick b
  29. FAO chimpy(engine)
  30. free stuff
  31. Samantha can I borrow it please.....
  32. volksworld show
  33. rolling floorpan anyone?
  34. rusty stuff wanted
  35. club meet this wednesday - need a venue!
  36. moving
  37. rugby dubs meet this sunday
  38. Got It Back!!!!!
  39. At long last!
  40. I'm still here
  41. Oi! Youngbugger1969!
  42. :o)))))))))))))
  43. samantha
  44. air frenisners
  45. anyone fancy a cruise on saturday?
  46. Look!
  47. wanted!!!!
  48. steve's surname
  49. In need of a DIAL TORQUE WRENCH
  50. club bowling this wednesday - 22nd
  51. Dunc's old bug on eBay
  52. Dubfreeze cruise
  53. Garage space needed
  54. Can anyone take a door and some lights to dubfreeze for me?
  55. Anyone got a trailer?
  56. dubfreeze
  57. wanted fly press
  58. Card for MickB
  59. Urgent help needed!
  60. wanted engine parts
  61. club details & next club meet
  63. threads etc
  64. logged on
  65. Anyone got......
  66. Dubfreeze cruise :D
  67. bowling
  68. 50's diner cruise, tuesday 17th
  69. club ideas for this year
  70. Scooby Van Poorly AGAIN!!!!!
  71. starter motor problems
  72. beetle trailer
  73. Tuesday Cruise Day!
  74. Toad has Gone
  75. Too early to say Merry Christmas????
  76. mk3 golf for sale
  77. engine required
  78. finally
  79. 1303 breaking
  80. Recon 1500 for sale
  81. FAO Whichedge
  82. flatfour meet
  83. new addition
  84. New club discount - custom and commercial!
  86. Ben Bosworth Memorial Fund stickers
  87. Happy Birthday (again!)
  88. hiya everyone
  89. happy birthday
  90. Become part of the lilacness.....
  91. FAO flat4fanatic
  92. SLOUGH
  93. NEC show
  94. Club Discounts
  95. Pub tonight everyone??
  97. rebuilt 1300cc s/port engine 4 sale.
  98. Balti / chinese night
  99. needed
  100. HELP!
  101. recon 1600 engine for sale
  102. 36idf carbs for sale
  103. Apologies
  104. Inter-club meet?
  105. NEC classic car show - discount tickets
  106. utterly veedubberly this w/e
  107. utterly veedubberly - next sunday
  108. chris
  109. This place is looking a little static!!
  110. spotted this if anyones interested
  111. Seat Belt Bolts
  112. finally got the gearbox out
  113. FAO Lee
  114. anyone got a door skinning tool i could borrow?
  115. bay wheels wanted
  116. got the 1303 running at last
  117. building an engine,,,,(4 sale)..
  118. hi everyone
  119. throbing grissle
  120. cov run pics
  121. Be afraid....
  122. looking for kittens
  123. Before you all start getting at me :)
  124. Vanfest
  125. Room for a little'un..?
  126. so whats everyone upto over the bank holiday weekend?
  127. my web site!!
  128. coventry run club stand 3/4 sept
  129. Free vw stuff lots of it;)
  130. Mach.....
  131. free sh*t
  132. Who's going TATTON PARK?????
  133. Herbie Tonight 9:00pm Showing
  134. recharging aircon
  135. engine building & loan.............
  136. pee'd off today!!!!!!!!!
  137. wheel arches for MOT
  138. chopping up a shell tonight
  139. pulley wheel
  140. Rockingham - Thunder Sunday World record atempt
  141. Floorpan half wanted
  142. mach show club stand
  143. Herbie 5th August
  144. newbie, hello, club meet, MOT?
  145. fao toad (engine)
  146. Who's doing Bug Jam?
  147. Thanks, lee!
  148. Bay wiring is fooked;)
  149. the van passed the m.o.t 2day
  150. club bbq
  151. Good,reliable van drivers required
  152. f.a.o toad
  153. FAO: flat4fanatic
  154. Club newsletter
  155. f.a.o flat4fanatic
  156. sold my baby...
  157. f.a.o blistered
  158. busy w/end again
  159. Time for the bus of much lilacness to go
  160. anyone on here work at...
  161. ((((Flat 4 moderater???)))
  162. 1303 strip down
  163. midlands supercruise - what time is everyone leaving?
  164. check the for sale section!! roll up roll up
  165. It's alive
  166. Anyone got any bug engine lids spare?
  167. 1500cc engine build(for sale)
  168. FAO Hopster
  169. Happy Birthday to ME!!!! :D
  170. Anyone know any good builders?
  171. No excuses for this one!!
  172. anyone free on saturday/sunday?
  173. anyone help me transport my bug to brum(a45side)
  174. Chris...
  175. Action weekend tickets for sale.
  176. carb problem's
  177. Gonna miss the meet....
  178. FAO chimpy
  179. engine & m.o.t this w/end.....
  180. Hatton Country World
  181. FAO DIE5AL
  182. Scooby Van is poorly AGAIN!!!!
  184. FYI - this is the 200th thread in our little section
  185. BVF - club camping
  186. help again please
  187. hello, nice to be back home
  188. Nice to meet Y'all
  189. Club night this wednesday
  190. VW ACTION 30th BIRTHDAY PARTY - 17th-19th JUNE ***CAMPING***
  191. i see........
  192. *** The SAVE TOAD Campaign!! ***
  193. Had enough the threat of selling Toad is now a reality.
  194. RTTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  196. who is going to the club meet tonight??
  197. can anybody???
  198. RTTS Croooooze!!
  199. dropped engine today!!
  200. Leeeee.....
  201. Teflon crooze
  202. Anyone need a car / van moving?
  203. bug door panels needed
  204. nice new headlamp rings!!
  205. electrical problem's today
  206. anyone want a late bug engine lid cowling
  207. spare dynamo?
  208. The build a car in 4 days mission
  209. Can i suggest another club workshop thingy :)
  212. i just saw a bay near bulko
  213. Urgent- know someone with an a frame / trailer / flatbed?
  214. The big thanx thread
  215. Anyone up for a crooze...
  216. FAO Flat4Fanatic
  217. M.O.T Wednesday
  218. Anyone?
  219. sad day
  220. Stanford Hall
  221. 009 for sale with new petronix
  222. bus for sale
  223. welder anyone
  224. FAO Toad
  225. could anyone use a free exhaust
  226. Anyone got an hour to spare on sunday?
  227. Bustypes Crooze
  228. There may be trouble ahead... bits needed
  229. who fancies listenin to my engine for me........
  230. Club discounts?
  231. Anyone know...
  232. Rear Hub Seal
  233. weber 32/36 adjustments
  234. Piggy back home from Blackpool
  235. BUS TYPES WHOS GOIN??????
  236. Ditch Dubbers
  237. FAO Lee
  238. anyone got a header kicking around
  240. Clutch Release Bearing
  243. urgent cry for help
  244. Weddington Dubs
  245. Gona miss this weeks club meet :(
  246. Anyone know any good tilers?
  247. FAO flatfourfanatic
  248. Big Bang
  249. fao Clewleysdubz
  250. Who's going to Bustypes?